Chances are that no matter if you work for a large corporate entity or a smaller financial institution, you and your employees are juggling multiple vendors, services, and technology trying to keep your branch running. While this might not be a big deal to large corporations with many employees, smaller community branches can struggle under the weight of this maze. The one and only way to improve this is by streamlining everything. In the financial industry, this means fintech. The number one recognizable item of fintech for a local branch is an ATM. Pretty much every person with a bank account knows what an ATM is and how to use it. The addition of just one ATM can transform a branch. To maximize this benefit, community banks should partner with ATM companies that supply, maintain, monitor, and repair fintech of all kinds. Eliminate extraneous contacts with superior ATM service.
Remote ATM Service Enables Quick Repairs
Remote service a plus when it comes to ATM service. In our minds, it’s a necessity. Without a service company remotely managing, updating, and repairing fintech, too much time can be lost waiting on a fix. When it comes to banking, time is money. The more downtime your fintech experiences, the more money your branch loses. Positively, the more uptime, the more revenue. In addition to keeping your machines, running, remote service keeps your machines secure. Maintaining PCI compliance, applying patches, updating security software, and so much more can all be done remotely. This ensures no time is wasted by your tellers explaining why a machine is out of order, figuring out who to call if a machine goes down, or spending time on the phone with an off-site technician trying to walk them through a fix. Don’t waste your employees time, only get the best ATM service.
Fast Service Rules in Banking
The ability to complete repairs quickly is the number one quality needed as an ATM service company. Remote monitoring services and maintenance plans are the only way to go. When it comes to fintech, time is money. Any amount of time that a piece of technology is down is a blight on the branch. To avoid this, industry leading ATM service includes remote services in order to obtain the maximum amount of uptime. Upgrades, patches, bug fixes, compliance updates, security improvements, and many repairs should all be done at a time when it will affect clients the least. If this is not done remotely, it can only be done by a technician in-person. This means it must be done during business hours. This ties up one or more tellers to supervise the work. Plus, all other tellers now need to do the job of fintech reducing a branches efficiency.
Working Fintech Let’s Employees Focus on Their Job
The more diverse your fintech fleet, the better. Nowadays, customers don’t only enjoy banking conveniences, they pretty much demand them. Clients want services completed in the easiest and fastest way possible. What this looks like to most people is being able to complete transactions at a time of day and in a speed that is convenient for them. It also often translates into being able to do it themselves. ATMs were the first step in introducing added accessibility to the banking industry. Fintech like ATMs and ITMs have been shown to grow revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and increase customer acquisition. Revenue is easily increased when your employee’s have more time to focus on their jobs. With the addition of the appropriate fintech for your location, your tellers and customer service representatives and managers have more time to spend speaking with clients about additional services and offers and answering questions.
Tellers Can Do More with Superior ATM Service

With the addition of ATMs and ITMs, tellers no longer are limited to cash counters. Rather than completing simple transactions, they can now focus on selling additional services. Turn your tellers into advisors with modern fintech and expert service. In addition, with ITMs specifically, tellers can manage multiple machines at one time. In-person, one teller can assist one client at a time. But with interactive teller machines, just like drive-thru lanes, they can easily and efficiently interact with numerous customers at once. This is all only true, however, if the machines work. So, as a branch manager, it is your responsibility to research and select only the most experienced, professional, well-trained ATM service company you can find.